Loge 19 offers a comfortable head-on view for end-stage shows The view is not head-on like on the floor, but many of the seats are closer to the stage, provide better elevation and are actual stadium seats. To the Side of the Stage: For close views of the stage with a little bit of elevation, consider seats to the side of the stage in Lower Level 2, Lower Level 3 and Lower Level 11. These performer-specific adjustments may alter the floor layout and the views from each floor section. For many concerts, floor sections are added or removed. On the Floor: Sections Floor A, Floor B, Floor C and Floor D are Floor Seats, which offer some of the closest views of the performers.
Floor seats - like those in Floor A - are among the most sought-after tickets For many concerts there are also slight variations to the layout, which may include General Admission seats, fan pits and B-stages. The most common seating layout at Pechanga Arena for concerts is an end-stage setup with the stage located near sections Box 5, Box 9 and Loge 10A.